Digitization has taken the country by storm. Whether it be the efforts of Prime Minister Modi under Digital India scheme or the extremely low and affordable prices of data provided by Jio. India has seen a huge increase in the number of people using the internet, just like all other developed countries. It means that the general public is coming online, which can be a great opportunity for businesses to target their customers online.
Whether it be a small scale business built on things like New Best Small Business Ideas or a business operating at a very large scale built on large-scale models, all of them can and some of them are targeting their customers digitally, through more efficient and effective ways. Thanks to the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, digital marketers are able to target their target customers (their client’s customers) on the basis of their preferences and demographics which leads to higher conversions.
Digital Marketing, in a nutshell, means targeting your targeted segment of customers and showing them the advertisement of your product/service in a much more attractive and effective manner. Digital Marketing has proven its mark all over the world, so much so that it has emerged as a whole industry in itself and has also created many professionals.
Advantages of Digital Marketing for businesses/-
- Less Cost
Traditional marketing methods are gone, the new trend is to target your customer, the smarter way. Earlier, the success of any marketing campaign was based upon the fact that how many salespeople are going to spread brand awareness for that particular product and their excellence in selling products in the door to door selling. But now we can target our customers digitally, with even lesser costs as compared to traditional methods. Marketing through digital methods helps to reduce the costs of per customer acquisition by getting to know that which type of customers are liking your advertisement and acting as potential buyers for your business. Artificial Intelligence has also helped online marketing campaigns to spread their reach to even more targeted segments once they realize that which type of customers demographics can likely generate a sale for that particular online campaign.
- Flexible
Online campaigns are extremely flexible, unlike other traditional methods. For example, If a business puts a very large advertisement at an expressway but due to some reason that hoarding was not able to attract customers, in that case, the removal of that particular hoarding and installation of a new one would take much time and funds. But if it happens in case of online marketing then a digital marketer can easily stop the non-performing or low performing campaign with a single click of a button, which in return eventually leads to saving lots of time and funds.
- Correct assessment of an online campaign
Traditional methods can only give you a probability of good performance of your advertisements but through digital marketing, you can actually see each and every aspect of every online campaign. Things like the number of people who saw your advertisement, cost per customer acquisition, or which particular campaign performed the best or worst etc can be easily tracked.
It not only helps to bring the costs down for businesses but also helps to build a new and more efficient online campaign which can attract more and more customers and that too at even lower costs. In a nutshell, correct data for any online campaign can also be used in long-term for many such future campaigns, so that future campaign does not have to find it’s way from scratch.
- More Attractive
When it comes to customer engagement and audience retention, at no time a traditional campaign can outrank an online campaign due to the fact that there are a countless number of templates and ways by which the graphic of an online campaign can be made more and more attractive. Advertising your product online doesn’t just makes it look attractive but, also gives an impression to your target customer of you being up to date as a business, which eventually leads to an increase in goodwill.
Also, the number of permutations and combinations that can be done to show the same advertisement online are just countless, whereas in case of traditional marketing you tied up in just a handful number of ways in which you market your product. This really limits the creativity of a marketer and new innovations in space of marketing cannot be developed.
- Re-Marketing
Due to the correct availability of data for recent online campaigns, remarketing can be easily done. But in case of traditional marketing, we do not have any data so any plan of remarketing would be just a gamble. Many businesses are based on such a model which requires their customers to upgrade their already sold product or re-market their new product to their existing customers, in this case, digital marketing can be of a great use.
Also, a huge database can be created with targeted customers which can again be easily used to target any product/service in the future. These databases can include things like names, phone numbers, e-mails, etc.
- Handling Grievances
It is a proven fact that no business can have a longterm growth if it doesn’t have a proper plan for things like after sales service and grievance handling. The responsibility of a business doesn’t end with the purchase of a product, but it gives them an opportunity to provide excellent after sales service in cases of any problem faced by the consumer and increase their market reputation and goodwill. Digital presence of a business also makes it very easy for the consumer to reach out to that particular business for any complaint or suggestion, which otherwise would not have been possible without going to the business head office.
We can easily conclude that advantages of digital mediums over the traditional ones are so significant that they cannot be ignored, and it is beneficial for the business itself to opt for the digital advertising platforms as it saves time, funds and is more accurate in comparison with earlier methods.